Post surgery: Day 7
Posted by staxtics
Hooray... one week has passed since I went under the knife and I'm feeling a lot better.
The swelling on my face has subsided and I have begun eating more varieties of food such as spaghetti and, lasagne but solid food such as steak is still out for me. The only time I felt pain was when I laughed and being a person who laughs rather easily, I couldn't hold it and my upper jaw stung.
Sleeping has been a lot easier and almost everything is back to normal, though I feel a little different as I have not been lifting weights and I'm waiting for the green light from my surgeon to resume doing it. Speaking has gotten easier too and I don't have much trouble moving my jaw, but the rubber bands are kinda irritating and food can get stuck in between and I will have a hard time trying to remove the food particles stuck.
Thank God that my recovery is going faster than normal and that I'm out of those ensure milk for good. I will be visiting my surgeon once again tomorrow for oral cleaning and change of rubber bands. Hope that week 2 will see the return of little harder foods. I miss my steak, chicken chop and satay!!! :(
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